
What is a POCD?

  • A Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD):

    • Guides the Town in making policy decisions.

    • Is referenced by Boards and Commissions in considering applications.

    • Documents conditions in the community at a point in time and anticipates future conditions based on trends.

  • Connecticut General Statutes requires each municipality to prepare or amend and adopt a POCD at least once every ten years.

  • An adopted and up-to-date plan is a requirement for State funding and can be used to help secure grants.

The POCD Shapes the Future of:

  • Housing Development

  • Services and Facilities including Park and

  • Recreational Facilities

  • Waterfront Resiliency

  • Transportation Infrastructure and Services

  • Social Equity and Public Health

  • Utilities and Infrastructure

  • Environmental Resources

  • Land Use and Zoning

  • Cultural Resources

  • Economic Development and Opportunity

Photo Credit: Town of Wethersfield